Course Catalogue

Business Academy Aarhus offers exchange semesters for the following programmes.

An AP degree programme lasts 2 years and awards 120 ECTS credits.

A Bachelor's top-up degree lasts 1½ years and awards 90 ECTS credits.

Exchange students must take an entire semester and will, therefore, receive 30 ECTS credits per semester. 

Please note that subjects cannot be mixed across different semesters and/or programmes.

All incoming exchange students must have at least 60 ECTS or equivalent and a relevant academic background to qualify for a semester with us.

Academic calendar

The dates below give an overall idea of the academic calendar (autumn and spring semester) at Business Academy Aarhus.

Semester / holidays


Autumn semester start

1st – 4th semester: Mid to late August
5th – 6th semester: Mid-August

Winter holidays

From the 23rd December and return on the 2nd of January, or first weekday after the 2nd January.

Spring semester start

1st – 4th semester: Late January/Early February
5th – 6th semester: Late January/Early February

Easter holidays

3 days prior to Easter, and Easter days including Easter Monday

Summer holidays

1 July to mid-August

The exact dates are dependent on each specific programme. The exam period is usually in December/January and May/June, but some programmes are organised with continuous exam projects throughout the semester. All programmes create an activity calendar for each semester with the exact dates for planned activities and exams. You will receive information from the administrative coordinator before the start of the semester.

The Danish marking scale

ECTS credits indicate the student workload required to complete a course. They reflect the relationship between the quantity of work required for each course and the quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study at Business Academy Aarhus. 

In the ECTS system, 60 credits represent the workload for one academic year of study (two semesters), whereas 30 credits represent one semester. Credits are only granted for completed courses, which must be passed with an exam. 

Danish Mark / ECTS Mark


12 / A

For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses

10 / B

For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses

7 / C

For a good performance displaying a good command of the relevant material but also some weaknesses

4 / D

For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses

02 / E

For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements of acceptance

00 / Fx

For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements of acceptance

-03 / F

For a performance which is unacceptable in all respects


Sharon Wilkins


Head of International Relations